As many of you know, the MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE CREW team has been searching for a new home for 15 years. We needed more space for our equipment plus we wanted to be able to expand rowing to the neighboring communities for folks of all ages. We purchased 8 acres of gorgeous river front land 5 years ago and received final approval to build last year. THE BUILDING HAS BEGUN and here are some photos to show you the progress. To date, the dock and ramp to the water are in place and have been used all summer by the South Hadley Community Rowing Club. The ramp is hinged and the dock height will rise and lower with the height of the river. Currently, the final batch of steel is being "tied" before the slab on grade is poured. The foundation is 7' deep (we are building in a flood plain) and filled with about 50 tons of steel, concrete, stone, and dirt- this was a LONG process. The lumber is due to arrive next week - with luck, the walls of the boathouse will rise in early to mid September!
Please come visit if you are in the area and see our new home for yourself.
Foundation hole.
Foundation beginning to fill up with cement and stone.
Molds for "stem walls" put into place.
Ramp to the river with low water level.